Sunday, February 7, 2021

Free Google Slide Factoring Task Cards

These days, so many of us are searching for digital-friendly activities that provide effective practice.  That's why I designed these FREE factoring task cards.  Use the PDF version to create traditional task cards, or the Google Slides link to easily assign them to students digitally. 

Even "in person" instruction involves more technology right now due to social distancing and minimizing contacts.  For certain, traditional task card activities do not lend themselves to distance learning.  However, these Google Slide task cards work great and can be used to change things up a bit. 

Students will completely factor polynomials that have a GCF that is not equal to one.  The binomial or trinomial remaining will have an "a value" of one.  I would consider this activity to be of average difficulty for an Algebra 1 student.

I'd love to hear about your experiences with these task cards!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

 Free Equation Flowchart Notes with Video Example!

You might think that you could just pick up any set of notes and use them.  However, no matter how much you may like the idea of a certain graphic organizer, will it work smoothly for you and your students?  How can you possibly know without trying it out?

I'm giving you the opportunity to see how well this flowchart of "Questions to ask yourself as you solve an equation ..." works!  

The idea is to teach your students to ask the correct questions each time they solve an equation.  That way, they will learn the routine of working through the equation-solving process.

The Equation Flowchart Notes are free in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  Simply download them if you would like to use them.  I've solved an example using them in the instructional video below.  Whether you like the notes or not, you can make a well informed decision about using the flowchart.  If you use it with your students, let me know how it goes! 

Equation Flowchart in Action!